The Great Immigrant Road Trip

Fusion is not new in the restaurant world. Even though Chef Edward Lee fears it has become a culinary gimmick, he knows the concept had profound meaning when it originated in a restaurant in Florida under the gaze of one of his heroes, Norman Van Aken. Real fusion is attuned to the everyday cooking of […]

Game, Set, Cure

Chicken Soup for the Soul selected another of my essays for their newest book released August 14, 2018. My first essay was about somone I love and this latest essay is about something I hate. Or more specifically, how I was able to temporarily overcome something I hate (roller coasters) to conquer a lifelong fear. […]

Rustle Up Some Grubs

When it comes to using insects as food, a cry of “Bring on the delicacies” comes from certain cultures, whereas others need to be near-to-death starving before considering bugs for dinner. Two recent books, Edible: An Adventure into the World of Eating Insects and the Last Great Hope to Save the Planet by Daniella Martin […]

Give Peas a Chance

It is not surprising that romantic unions occur over a common love of certain food, as dictated by the adage that the way to one’s heart can be through the stomach. It is far less often you will see a couple bonding over a meal liked by one individual but not by the other, but […]