Entries by Darin Cook

Living La Vida Local

I recently travelled south to sample the flavours of Ecuador. But it wasn’t nearly as far as you might expect, not as far as the country itself in the northern part of South America, but a mere 60-minute drive southwest of London. With a Spanish name to match its philosophy, Lo Maximo Meats is an […]

The Innocent Foodies Abroad

It all starts with a determined, food-conscious bride baking her own wedding cake. From there the new book by Ann McColl Lindsay, Hungry Hearts: A Food Odyssey across Britain and Spain 1968-69, blossoms into an enjoyable account of a liberally-minded couple’s affair with food, life, and each other as they follow their whims to travel […]

At a Snail’s Pace

Escargot will never be something I willingly choose from a menu. Not that I can’t stomach a few snails if I need to when pressured into a Survivor-style challenge, I just prefer my shelled food to come from salt water rather than the garden. My wife doesn’t have such hang-ups and has been begging me […]

The Taste of Place

The pleasures of identifying unique flavours in food based on where it comes from is something that started in France with regional wine. The French call it terroir, meaning the taste of place adds something unique to certain foods. Even though the idea was conceived in France, it is spreading as a culinary concept as […]

Literary Food for Thought

Michael Pollan has become a writer of distinction in two ways. His writing is held in high esteem with numerous awards to its credit, and his distinct and specialized focus on food writing has made him an expert in the field (or as Stephen Colbert put it in an interview in 2013 when Pollan released […]

Food through the Ages

Most books about food rely on recipes and cooking, but An Edible History of Humanity by Tom Standage strays from these basic functions and looks at food from a different perspective. Food is important on a personal level at breakfast, lunch, and dinner to sustain us on a daily basis, but this book takes a […]

Cheers to the Season

It’s nearing that time of year when we gather with family and friends to raise a glass to the holiday season. Many of us will be conducting those toasts with a beer in hand since Canadians believe that beer is our gift to the world. Nicholas Pashley could not agree more and he has given […]

Famous Food

Food books over the past few years have typically fallen into two categories: locavore and sustainable food manifestos, or excursions around the world to seek out ultra-exotic cuisine. Recently, there has been a new trend looking at food that famous people have eaten throughout history. Andrew Caldwell, known as The History Chef TM, has taken […]

Hamming it up in Havana

I have a love/hate relationship with Cuban food. The love part is that it can be delicious when prepared properly, but when I actually spent time in Cuba, I struggled to find much food that was very tasty at all – the hate part of my trip. It is a trip from my past that […]