
Game, Set, Cure

Chicken Soup for the Soul selected another of my essays for their newest book released August 14, 2018. My first essay was about somone I love and this latest essay is about something I hate. Or more specifically, how I was able to temporarily overcome something I hate (roller coasters) to conquer a lifelong fear. Chicken Soup for the Soul: The Power of Yes is available in bookstores now for those looking for 101 motivational stories to inspire you to leap out of your comfort zone.

Give Peas a Chance

It is not surprising that romantic unions occur over a common love of certain food, as dictated by the adage that the way to one’s heart can be through the stomach. It is far less often you will see a couple bonding over a meal liked by one individual but not by the other, but these incompatibilities are still capable of providing insight to how relationships work. It was definitely not my culinary skills that urged my wife to enter into holy matrimony with me, but it was my cooking during our courtship that taught us both some relationship lessons. Read more

Romance Between the Stacks

My wife and I met because of books. I had been working in a bookstore for over a year with no romantic prospects, but then a particular girl was hired to do the same job as me. We both vividly remember the first words I spoke to her, even though we had different interpretations of those words.

“Oh, so you’re Jennifer,” I said upon meeting her on her first day of work. Read more